Opened This Week

Merged This Week

Still Open

Makefiles remaining: 187/352 - 47.75% ported

July. Two months until September. There's going to be the Rust conference, just a 30 minute train ride away from home, while some others, whether individually or through a sponsor, are paying thousands for transportation, housing and the event in itself. One of those "others" is the person who encouraged me to start this entire journey, whom I have never met outside of online communications before... Learning more than surface level programming knowledge, viewing open source contribution as a possible and attainable objective, it was, (partially, I need to give some credit to myself!) thanks to her.

It's just the summer midway point and it already feels like so much has changed. I've seen what it's like to work at a software company through my internship, I've experienced the... excitement of management towards artificial intelligence technologies- I can seriously think of about a dozen of my usual sarcastic quips I could place here, but something tells me that in this particular case, loose lips sink ships.

I don't have to say much this week, but thanks to the Rust community for letting me have this responsibility, and for being such an important stepping stone in my development :3