Hi, I am Julien! I am a final year undergraduate at Concordia University, in Systems and Information Biology, a program which no one has ever heard about. With each passing day, I increasingly suspect I might be the only one following it.

Divided between the seat at my desk, where I constantly learn new technologies, and the great outside world, where I marvel at the life around me, I seek a life that will unite both in beautiful harmony.

An academic path standing at the intersection of life and machines has given me quite a few unusual experiences:

  • For my first internship, I went to a leather chemistry research center in Saguenay-Lac-Saint-Jean, and got to pull beaver skins back and forth inside a mildly menacing fleshing machine. I eventually completed a salmon tanning project with tannins derived from acacia tree bark. One of the completed samples now decorates my wall.

  • For my second internship, I went to an entomological research lab, where tasks ranged from preprocessing a machine learning dataset for varied species of songbirds in agricultural environments, to assembling traps outside to catch insects of many colours, shapes and sizes.

In my free time, I enjoy exploring the varied facets of computer science and technology – see my GitHub.

I enjoy the Rust programming language the most – it's a joy to have my every keystroke constantly scrutinized by the watchful eye of rust-analyzer. Academically, I have acquired experience with Python's most popular machine learning libraries, such as:

  • Scikit Learn and Keras for predicting the activation level of ribosomal RNA.
  • Gensim for a natural language processing project with free books taken from the Gutenberg project.
Saint the Slugcat curling in a zen painting