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run-make Makefiles remaining in master repository: 246/349 - 29.5% complete

Just who are these open source contributors? What drives them forwards?

I can comprehend coming home after a day of chasing around bugs and patching pipelines to knit a sweater or build 18th century miniature sailboat replicas. First, neither of those things require a screen, and second, the skills they require, while difficult to acquire, are not as specialized as compiler development.

So, how does one come home after doing a lot of a thing to do more of that thing? What is the grand conspiracy? Unemployed college students? Sneaking in some PRs during the workday? Lucid dreaming brain-chip coding? The run-make CI will get really fun when I start having to adapt to the x86-neuralink architecture.

What are the demographics? Is it a "young person" or an "old person" thing? When you ask me to imagine an "open source coder", I have this Schrödinger's vision of a superposed 80 year old ancient lich polishing their phylactery full of homebrewed pure-C data structures and algorithms, and a 20 year old wearing the traditional cultist robes of one of the many Internet subculture conclaves available to them.

Wretched thing - I am the former. The perfect recruit. Even though this test-porting business is quite repetitive... I'm quite enjoying it. It's honestly just the digital version of using a vacuum cleaner in a suffocatingly dusty room. Some of these Makefiles truly have formulas inscribed upon them which would shatter any sane mind...

But, I am immune, for I have already excluded myself from sanity in the first place by volunteering to embark on this project.